Secure Connected Solutions for You,
Better Health Outcomes for Them
Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) enables caregivers to provide a seamless continuum of care to their patients due to connected medical devices, which report back on the patient's health in a continuous manner.
To realize RPM with BioT, start by integrating to BioT's device Software Development Kit (SDK), which will allow you to stream live telemetry data from your device to the BioT Measurement module. This telemetry would then be processed by our rule engine or by your own plugged-in algorithm to create real-time biomarker alerts that increase patient engagement.
Online and offline monitoring of continuous health measurements and summarized / raw data
Aggregation of data from multiple sources
Caregivers may be able to view the patient's health measurements, according to their role-based access control (RBAC) permissions
Efficiently store the raw data on the cloud and execute algorithms to derive biomarkers and insights
Use the BioT Rule-based module to trigger alerts & notifications and configure rules to notify system users if the patient's data suggests that intervention should be required
Increase Patient Adherence, Persistence and Compliance
Many chronic diseases and acute conditions can be treated effectively by using home-use solutions today. However, the benefits cannot be realized if patients take their medication or use connected devices incorrectly or not at all.Therefore patient adherence, persistence and compliance are highly important.
By using the BioT Adherence module all the stakeholders – patients, caregivers, payers, and the medical device company itself – can track adherence, gain data-driven insights as to why adherence might be low, and increase the patient's persistence for better outcomes
BioT features calendar views for adherence and rules-based alerts for notifying stakeholders when the adherence of an individual patient drops
Patent pending technology for predicting non-adherence and issuing proactive alerts
For the medical device company, the detailed and structured adherence database may be easily queried by standard BI tools for the purpose of learning about adherence trends and detecting usability issues

Real-World Data (RWD) Research for Efficacy and Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up (PMCF)

Today when a company launches a medical device to market, both the FDA and the EU MDR may require the company to follow up on the patients that use the device in order to monitor postmarket safety and adverse events. Furthermore, as a device company you'd probably like to know if your device is as effective in the real world as it was during the clinical trial. BioT provides you with the set of tools to both comply and analyze your device efficacy.
The BioT Patient Reported Outcomes (PROM) Questionnaire module allows you to build patient questionnaires, set rules on when they are delivered to patients (either upon an event like a clinical episode, or according to a preconfigured schedule), calculate answer scoring, and visualize the scoring trends over time. The questions can cover survey efficacy, side effects, or any other topic you find relevant
The BioT Electronic Data Collection (EDC) module allows you to seamlessly integrate the RWD collected by BioT to your EDC or electronic Case Report Form (eCRF) system
BioT provides the Anonymization & Deidentification module, which supports a plethora of data and image formats, and allows to centralize patient data in a single location for conducting big data research
Move the Intelligence to the Cloud
Adding connectivity to your medical device might be crucial in pushing your company into a whole new value delivery model. However, this opportunity also poses risks that have to be mitigated.
Would you like to protect your unique IP and algorithms but you feel that a patient-held device is not a safe place to store it on? Or would you like to upgrade your algorithm frequently, but you know that even a remote firmware update might be too cumbersome to manage? In any of these cases, there is a single solution: you need to create a distributed processing system and run your algorithm on the cloud.
Using the BioT plugin technology you will be able to inject your custom code in any coding language to any BioT module. For example, if injected to the BioT Measurement module, you will be able to process raw data from the device and translate it into biomarkers that will enrich the Measurement. And injected to the BioT Adherence module, you will be able to set your own rules as to what counts as adherence and what does not
Using the BioT’s Plugin Updater tool you will be able to easily update your algorithms across all your worldwide deployments, as frequently as you like

Promote Proper Use of the Device by Patients and Caregivers

How can you ensure that in-home treatment would be as effective as in hospital, or the patients would properly tune the medical device according to the personal recommendation provided by the caregiver? What if the caregivers themselves recommend a configuration that is in accordance with the protocol set by the device company? The end result of such improper usage is obvious – the patient will not enjoy the optimal benefits of the device, and both - they and their caregiver - may accuse the device of being ineffective.
The BioT ProperUse module makes use of device data and inputs from other BioT modules, such as the PROMs, to detect low efficacy cases, and suspect stakeholders for improper use
In case the stakeholder is a patient, ProperUse, may inform them or their caregiver of the problem
The module also detects the correlation to certain caregivers, and informs them so they can be educated as needed
Reimbursement, Billing and Operation Management
Up till now, reimbursement has been a key barrier in the successful widespread adoption of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM). Now providers can use CPT Codes that enable caregivers to get reimbursed for the time spent and the medical equipment used for patient care delivered remotely. And as an RPM device manufacturer, you can enhance your monetization model by getting a revenue share from the RPM reimbursement.
The BioT Reimbursement module helps you streamline RPM reimbursement by tracking the time spent by an individual caregiver per each patient
On a monthly basis the module creates reimbursement reports for all patients eligible for the RPM codes, and sends them to the configured recipients
Towards the end of the month, the Reimbursement module also sends alerts to caregivers who spent nearly enough but not enough time according to the criteria defined by the CPT codes on certain patients. These alerts enable caregivers to optimize their eligibility for RPM reimbursement